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Singing Voice Science

Where Science, Pedagogy, & Performance Converge


Singing Voice Science (SVS) is a professional educational organization that promotes the value of voice science and its specific application to the pedagogy of singing voice technique and performance. While voice science includes the areas of anatomy, physiology, production, acoustics, and perception, voice pedagogy encapsulates centuries of methodology for teaching singing voice techniques. The mission of SVS is to combine these distinct disciplines into a holistic, 21st-Century specialty known as science-informed pedagogy. Because expertise in the specialty requires ongoing dedication and commitment, SVS is specifically designed to support the lifelong learner.



The faculty of SVS includes some of the world's foremost experts in the fields of science and pedagogy. And because ongoing lectures, courses, consulting, and mentoring are delivered in an online format, SVS reaches singing teachers throughout the world. All events are both live-streamed and recorded for on-demand viewing, which allows for participation regardless of geographic location and time zone.


Additionally, SVS sponsors an annual in-person event at Teachers College Columbia University in New York City. Donald Gray Miller's Singing Voice Science Workshop is a 4-day event held in June of each year. It is the official workshop of VoceVista, a real-time acoustic feedback system for singers and teachers of singing. VoceVista also includes a video component as well as a physiological measure of vocal fold activity known as electroglottography (EGG). The workshop includes lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on learning with acoustics, EGG, and ultrasound of the tongue.

Registrants can participate in three ways:

in-person at Columbia University, live-stream content online, or watch later on-demand.


However one chooses to participate, Singing Voice Science is your source for the latest information

on science-informed pedagogy.


Diversity and Inclusion

Singing Voice Science is actively dedicated to correcting centuries of societal injustice towards our brothers and sisters from underrepresented minority groups. Our purpose is to extend learning and teaching opportunities to all persons regardless of race, color, creed, sex, gender, or romantic orientation. To that end, we commit ourselves to the active inclusion of all who desire a seat at our table. You are always welcome.

If you ever experience racism, bias, or microaggressions, please report your experience to Richard Lissemore

or another trusted team member. Commentary and behavior that make a participant or other team member

uncomfortable will not be tolerated.

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